
torsdag 27 augusti 2015

Fireweed and bees

Rallarrosen verkar vara en av binas favoriter.

Rallarros - Fireweed

9 kommentarer:

Kristina Eriksson sa...

Dom är flotta

moni sa...

Hello Katarina,
simply wonderful!
The little visitors you captured perfect!
Have a nice day

Unknown sa...

Beautiful shot !!

Anonym sa...

Very delicate and pretty.

Villrose sa...

Fin og lilla!

Maribel sa...


Liz Needle sa...

What a very pretty flower and a gorgeous shot.

Captured by Jade sa...

I love the detail - what a beautiful photo!

Sharing snapshots at Captured By Jade

Melbourne Australia Photos sa...

Lovely shot of this "weed". So many wonderful plants are dismissed as weeds, simply because they come up in the wrong place...
Thanks for taking part in Floral Friday photos!